Tuesday, December 28, 2004

My Buddhist Prayer Flag

In the Buddhist religion, prayers (good intentions) are placed on colorful flags. Often the flags are hung on a something similar to a clothesline. Sometimes prayers are put in/on a lantern. When the wind blows thru the lantern or the flags, the prayers are released to the world. This poem is my buddhist prayer flag. I hang it on my internet clothesline. Every reading of it is like the wind blowing on my cyber prayer flag. Let the good intentions (and good karma) flow effortlessly.

This was composed several years ago but still is very relevant to me now. It is about a family member who has battled cancer.


Preserved in him is the innocence of a child,
The courage of thousands of soldiers,
and the faith of a devoted religious fanatic.

He has taught me some of life's most profound lessons.
The most valuable things aren't those that glitter and sparkle.
They are often hidden to the eye,
Masked as ordinary,
So we end up overlooking them.

His loving nature radiates in his eyes.
He will always be special in my heart,
If not in the hearts of thousands.
He hugs me with tremendous force,
Just like he grabs on to life,
With the determination to fulfill his dreams.

He is my joy,
my miracle,
my inspiration,
my laughter,
and my gift from God.
- dr.vodka

1 comment:

Aleksu said...

Beautiful, thanks...