Thursday, December 30, 2004

Open Window

When I walked in the clinic this afternoon, my medical assistant gives me a look. That what-were-you-up-to look.
She - Did you leave the window open last night?
Me - What? What window? Why?
She - Doctora, you got a hickey on your neck!
Me - What hickey?
She - Yeah, you got two! (as she points at my neck)
Me - That's not a hickey
She - Then what is it? Hmmm
Me - That's my dry skin. (I didn't have a mirror to see what the hell she was talking about)
She - Okay, doctora (smiling devilishly)

Believe me it wasn't a hickey. My window wasn't open; no one was sneaking into my bedroom last night. Thou my dream last night was a bit, shall we say, erotic. Maybe my dream world was intertwining with my real world! What other hickey euphemisms have you heard?
Mom told me before not to let "el vampiro que te chupe" (in other words, don't let the vampire suck on your neck)


Diana said...

You are hilarious!! Dry skin can itch so you must also have been scratching. Think Olive Oil ( a little messy, but works wonders, Nivea Cream, Salt, Sugar or Coffee scrubs to slough off dry skin.

Aleksu said...

I heard that the Vampiro Fronterizo was on the move last night in Chicago.