Monday, December 13, 2004

Resist the Urge to Modernize

I wasn't aware of this romantic ritual that occurs in Verona. Those struck by cupid have traditionally left love letters or scribblings on the wall of what is believe to be Juliet's house. Well, the real person who perhaps inspired Shakespeare's Juliet. It figures that someone would try to muck it up by trying to "upgrade" it. Bring it up to speed to modern times. Please don't go there - text messages. Sometimes the "old school" way is the best way.

Say no to Digital love letters, well at least in Verona.
"Imagine the possibilities: 4 ME U R THE 1. "


Aleksu said...

You are right, to be a true romantic you have to stick to the "old" ways.

Imagine an e-serenata?


Anonymous said...

e-serenata? I thought there was something like that already?