Monday, December 27, 2004


The holidays are here
and fading fast
like the sunlight at dusk.
On the surface,
things seem right,
but I'm in turmoil,
like the earth,
trembling underneath
before the explosion of energy
is unleashed.
Uncertainty is all I see,
don't know what the new year will bring
don't know what the next few days will bring
don't know
But I must prepare
for my own tsunami.
Trying to look to the stars for answers,
I'm left with more questions.
The only thing that is certain
is the uneasy feeling
in me,
around me


Aleksu said...

My heart aches for the victims of this disaster.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

there's a double meaning to this -
nice that u saw the other one.

Diana said...

your writing is on a rampage! Bring it to next writer's meeting.

Aleksu said...

Dr V, I did not want to discuss the other one here, wait for a soon to come email.