Sunday, December 19, 2004

What a Mistake!

Time magazine has selected dear Dubbya as Person of the Year. What a fuckin' insult! There are more deserving people out there. Why do we continue to reward mediocrity?

"White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card praised Bush as a "great liberator" for the people of Afghanistan and Iraq and lauded Bush's tax cuts, education and Medicare reform packages and plans to remake Social Security"

He is not the same man," Managing Editor Jim Kelly said. "He's a much more resolute man. He is personally as charming as ever but I think the kind of face he's shown to the American public is one of much, much greater determination."

But I did read this disclaimer: " The magazine gives the honor to the person who had the greatest impact, good or bad, over the year. "

oh, really? Medicare reform? Well, it might have been Medicare "changes" but not for the best. Just caused more confusion for senior citizens.

Then I read this about Rumsfeld. Why don't you just spit at their graves while you are at it?


Diana said...

Yes, I saw that TIME chose W. You can only imagine the aggravation I felt. So no more TIME for me. As for Rummy, that bastard is pure evil. We are going to hell in a hand basket...

Aleksu said...

A few weeks ago I heard that they were going to name Karl Rove as person of the year, it was around the time I was supposed to renew my suscription, I decided against it.

This event you cover on your post demonstrates I made the right decision.

Too bad the members of the military have that big ol' blind fold that prevents them from seeing that Rumsfeld gives a hoot about them.