Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Across the Atlantic

photo: simon fowler

Late night wanderings

lead me to you.
Traded my sorrow
and disillusionment
for welcoming visions of you.
So sadly you seemed
sitting in shades of gray.
Approached you
with a gentle kiss
planted softly
on your forehead.
You reciprocated
with a smile,
Flirtatious words,
Lovely words.
Seductive poses
and glances
Soul watching
from a distance.
Scintillating conversations
about the trivial
to the metaphysical.
I await
the future
and the surprises
you hold.
Across the Altlantic
lies promise.

- drvodka2005


Anonymous said...

I like the poem and find the accompanying image very interesting and intriguing.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

one of these days, i will explain the reason for the combination, the source of the inspiration....one of these days...may it be sooner.