Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Weeping Heart

**So I made a few changes to this post**

Been listening to that song again. First time, I heard it was in the film "Closer". I thought it was sweet song but not particularly sad. Recently, I began listening to Damien Rice's album "O". Well, I've only been listening to track 3 - "The Blower's Daughter". Now, that song from "Closer" has an overpowering effect on me. "Why?"- I am left wondering.

Powerful enough to bring me to the edge of tears - a flood of tears. I think it's because it evokes memories of love & specifically the Pain of love.

The Pain that comes with lost love.
The love you weren't ready to part with
but it left you anyway.
Left you weeping
& with a gashing wound.
A wound you thought would
never stop bleeding.
Draining you
until you're pale
and lovesick.
Perpetual exsanguination.

With no stitch strong enough
to mend your heart's laceration.
Left you wondering
if you were meant for Love.
Would Love pass you by?
Time does heal the Wound.
- drvodka2005

Or maybe, I'm just a sap.

"I can't take my eyes off you"
"I can't take my mind off you"
"'Til I find somebody new"

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