Monday, January 17, 2005

Go Baby Bulls!

The Baby Bulls are on a hot streak. My sibling and I have nicknamed the Chicago Bulls -"the Baby Bulls" since there are several rookies. Most notable one being Ben Gordon. In the last quarter, Gordon scored 13 of his 17 points - Mr. Clutch. SEVEN in a row which included beating the Knicks back-to-back. All this from a team that started 0 - 9, people. If you are not watching them by now, what are you waiting for? Saturday's game had the intensity of the playoffs. The Bulls even celebrated on the court like they had won the championship. Hey, even I was screaming with joy at the end. Because I had to work today on MLK day, I missed this afternoon's game. But I was very happy to see the winning score on the internet.

1 comment:

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

yes, he brings back some excitement to the game.
He looks short compared to the others but he's over 6 feet!