Monday, January 10, 2005

Manos de Pierda

It's something I've tried to deny.
My sis says I always break or destroy something when I visit her. Okay, at least twice, the kitchen sink's faucet in her old apartment fell off causing me to splash water around her kitchen. But I was trying to help her out with the dishes. The faucet was loose so when I moved it, it came off, really. Then there were other incidents. My bro has nicknamed me "Manos de Pierda" or Stone Hands.

On Friday, when I reached for my glasses, one of the "arms" (what do you call that part of glasses?) broke. It was eroding slowly; that was the last swinging motion it would tolerate. First I thought I could dig up my old frame and use that "arm" even if it didn't match. Wouldn't have matter since I only wear glasses at home. Then - yes it didn't stop there - I tried wearing my glasses sans one "arm". I noticed a smudge on one of the lenses. I'm wiping the lens when "Crack!"

Damn! The frame broke at another site and one lens popped out.
Someone is telling me that it is time for a new frame. Now, I'm really blind as a bat at night.
Hopefully, I can go to the eye doc soon and get my new frame.

Oh yeah, once I cracked my contact lens as I was cleaning it. It was a "hard" or gas permeable contact lens. If I had soft contact lenses, I probably would rip one too.

I can hear my bro saying "Delicately, delicately..."


Anonymous said...

I always wondered about doctors going to doctors.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

I do feel weird at times seeing physicians. I don't mention I'm a doc at first. I wait awhile. Don't want to seem like I'm trying to do their job.

Diana said...

manos de piedra, that's hilarious!! Sounds like a super power...

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

oh yes! Super power - always wanted to be a superhero.

Aleksu said...

At least they dont call you "Manos de Intestino"!