Friday, January 07, 2005

Random Thoughts

Some thoughts that swirled in my head with my afternoon cup of coffee - Cafe Mexicano (with vanilla and cinnamon).

Sidenote: I can't say cinnamon.
It always sounds like I'm saying synonym.
Don't think I will ever pronounce it correctly - I get tongue tied. I should just say "canela".

The coffee was from Bombon (Pilsen bakery). One of the pastry chef was coming in as I was placing my order. He is a knockout; too bad he is married. L and his wife are owners of the bakery. He prepared my coffee and served it with a smile. That would have been enough "sugar" for me, but I couldn't resist the chocolate mousse tart, too.

School fights- The only I fights I got into were with boys.
I tried to steer away from violence. Tried to resolve my conflicts with peaceful negotiation. However, this boy - bully - didn't believe in negotiating. He kept teasing me despite me ignoring him or telling him to stop. Don't know if I told my teacher about him- probably didn't want to. Then I would have been accused of being a crybaby.

Setting: elementary school near the outdoor basketball court
At recess (when we still had recess outdoors), my friend and I were chatting when he comes over with his buddies. Starts to tease me. The bully and his buddies corner us. I say enough with this and kick him in the stomach. Boy comes tumbling down to the ground in pain as his buddies watch the girl kick his ass. Later I felt bad because I didn't want to resort to violence. Of course, I was worried he would tell the teacher; she would then punish me! I didn't have to "serve any time." He didn't bother me afterwards. Don't remember but he probably didn't speak to me the rest of the school year.

One bully down. Who else wants a piece of me?


Aleksu said...

Café con Canela and kicking some bully's butt.

I simple love this post.

Diana said...

The coffee you had and pastry sounded absolutely tasty and a side order of ass kicking a bully is also appealing.

Nayeli said...

Right on! I always fantasized about kicking ass. I got bullied a lot in school. But I was too shy to do much about it. One time when I was in 5th grade I pushed this kid that always bothered me and had pushed me. The teacher caught me. I told her I was just pushing him back. She said "two wrongs don't make a right." She didn't punish him, only me. Great lesson in assertiveness, no? I don't think I should have resorted to "violence" (it was a pretty wimpy push), but that teacher didn't help me out any in how she dealt with the situation. I'm still learning how to fight back.

Anonymous said...

I have an aunt that will tell you that when it comes to bullies, "Que coman tierra." In other words beat their sorry little behinds.