Tuesday, January 11, 2005


A good looking man putting a pair of glasses on you to see how the frame looks - wow, that was an erotic experience. Don't think a man has ever done that. On occasion, they might have taken my glasses off. It was an unexpected reaction but good nevertheless.

Hmmm, he didn't have to do that. I had already tried on 2 other frames myself. He wanted to take a final look so I let him place them on me.

Reminded me of physical diagnosis class during med school. We had to practice our physical exam skills since we would be tested on them. In my small group there were woman and men. I ended up paired with one of the males. That day we were practicing the HEENT (head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat) portion.

We had to feel the lymph nodes in that part of the body so along the ears, neck and under the jawline. Gives one an excuse to "stroke" a classmate so to speak. Don't worry - no one got out of hand.


Matt said...

Dr Vodka,

Interesting post. I think the human touch is more important than ever in our world. It seems like we are in a rush to replace the human touch with that of the machine.

Call me old fashioned, but I still prefer people.


dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

human touch is important. We see that with premature infants and newborns. I definitely prefer talking face-to-face over instant messaging. We need to break away before we become too robotic/impersonal.