Wednesday, February 09, 2005


"the holocaust of poor people" - the poor of the world, not only in America.

More thoughts on this topic to come...


Mariposatomica said...

can't wait to hear those thoughts running rampant in your head!

Aleksu said...

This is going to be interesting.

What is happening is just saddening.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i don't have the exact stats but i think in America the rates are lower. In other parts of the world, the problem is escalating because of lack of healthcare and HIV medications.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

for the stream of consciousness explanation, see the "stream" post below

Ron Hudson said...

The use of anti-viral drugs such as AZT and nevirapine have been shown to reduce transmission of HIV from mother to fetus. However, the program that prescribed single doses of nevirapine to pregnant mothers effectively made their viruses resistant to the drug. Since it was one of the cheapest drugs available to third-world people, this program may have made orphans of the fetuses that were protected.