Saturday, February 05, 2005


Ever since residency, whenever i fly, I'm always looking for the AEDs (automatic external defibrillators). Both Chicago airports have them near the terminals. I prepare myself mentally for medical emergencies. (I'm such a geek!) So I run thru the Code Protocols in my head. If someone is having trouble breathing, passes out, is having chest pain, what do I do? (especially with the limited resources at the airport)

In case you want to know, you follow the ABCs
A - airway (open, protected airway?)
B - breathing (are they doing it?)
C - Circulation (is there a pulse?)

Luckily, I haven't needed to perform mouth-to-mouth on anyone or shock someone with the defibrillator. That's what I'm thinking when I'm walking to my gate. Why? - you ask.
Because i don't want the time to come when i'm the first line of defense/response, and i'm not prepared. Especially since someone might not know how to use the AED device. When your heart is in ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia, the first 5-10 seconds are precious. Got to jump start that heart as fast as possible.

Now I'm thinking about death. I'll probably go write about death now (jot down some thoughts). Been wanting to do that for sometime but the words have only floated in my head. They have not landed on a piece of paper. Saturday evening and death of course! What else goes perfectly w/ Saturday evenings?

Not really a sad person although my writings can be. Actually quite happy right now.
The grim reaper awaits me, he's always complaining how long it takes me to brush my hair and put my makeup on.... very impatient.....needs to learn to slow down a bit.


Aleksu said...

Let me tell you want thing Dr.V, it is good to know that there is people like you around.

Mariposatomica said...

I hope that if I'm going to kick the can at the airport that you happen to be at the terminal.

AnalisaGuzman said...

I learn something new everyday.