Sunday, February 06, 2005

I'm still, I'm still Marisol from the Block!

Well, that whole "dangerous" comment was unnecessary. Now the company is trying to play it off as "dangerous" referring to the traffic. By that logic, any big city is dangerous, so why weren't the other American girls moving to the 'burbs? Why just the Latina girl?

Yes, Pilsen does have its problems w/ poverty and gangs but that doesn't mean that all Latinas come from dangerous hoods. I grew up not far from Pilsen. It wasn't a perfect neighborhood, but we managed to have a great childhood there.

Right now, families are being forced to move because of GENTRIFICATION. Housing is becoming less affordable in that area. The well-off or chocante gente are moving in the newly constructed townhouses and condos near the University of Illinois-Chicago campus.

Why can't Latinas live in the city if they want to stay in the city? It is our city too.


Mariposatomica said...

The city is for a certain income tax bracket. There are so many Latinos struggling to continue living in "the city that works." I feel like we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully, these bastards don't push us out.

AnalisaGuzman said...

I am struggling to stay!

Aleksu said...

All the "chocante" people, it has been a while since I heard that one.

Oh yes, they are going to to attempt to spin it, they know they are in trouble.

Anonymous said...

no, no, no, i don't wanna go to no suburb. please don't make me go.