Monday, February 07, 2005


Ever snort shampoo? Shampoo is not a code word for some type of illicit drug such as X for ecstasy or mary jane for marijuana. I mean actual shampoo. When I was taking a shower today, I accidently snorted some shampoo. Some of it landed on my face as I was massaging it in my hair. Not fun - kind of stung my nose. Don't know if certain shampoos are more pleasant to snort but Pantene wasn't. Took a while to get all of it out.


Aleksu said...

I have images of Al Pacino plunging face first into a puddle of shampoo and saying, "sei jelo tu mai litel frend" afterwards.

Diana said...

You folks are nuts. Now everytime I see a shampoo bottle I'm going to associate it with you blowing bubbles out of your nose.

Anonymous said...

I hate it when plain water goes up my nose, usually happens when I go swimming. That feels awful so I imagine shampoo must have made it worse.