Monday, February 21, 2005

Artistic Hives (revised)

i'm aching for some exchange of ideas/words....hungry for some literary/intellectual contact

i am working on a "hunger" piece - hope to put the finishing touches soon. i love the imagery that came to me when i was writing it.

i want to photograph again. i have the itch to shoot again.

"Artistic Hives"

itch, itch, itch
scratch, scratch, scratch
i think my body
will break out
in a rash....

a creative rash,
arm me
with my weapon of the moment,
click, click
i'm trigger-happy again,
focus, crop, zoom,
select the f stop
point and shoot,
walk away
from the scene
of the crime,

where the only witness
is the shutterbug,
taking aim at the world
since everything
is for the taking
when in my view,
trapped in my frame.

itch, itch, itch
scratch, scratch, scratch
my body's broken out
in a rash,

a creative rash,
unleashing it again,
that scratch & itch cycle,
With Benadryl in hand
let it resume again,
those artistic hives.


Anonymous said...

care for some poison ivy?

Ron Hudson said...

I had my first case of poison ivy last year! Yikes!

If you have artistic hives, put that benadryl away and let the hives drive you to write! I want to hear your voice!