Saturday, February 19, 2005



should be happy
i was happy
it was also
bittersweet for me
soon he will be gone
shipped overseas
can't help
but be worried
about the future
morbid thoughts ran thru my head
(hate to confess that..
won't confess that to my family)
what if
this is the last dance
the last kiss
the last hug
the last touch

should enjoy it while she can...
hope she does get him back
safe and sound
is it too much to ask
for the same man to return
untouched by war
untouched by the cruelty of the world
maybe he'll come back
but different
same on the outside
different inside
will he be the same man
she fell in love with?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. i hope she does get him back.