Sunday, April 24, 2005

Glass of Water

One of my favorite sayings that dad uses is: "No te ahogues en un vaso de agua."

Don't drown yourself in a glass of water.

When he said that to me, it made me laugh, reminding me what a silly worrywart I was.

I was anxious because I like to know what I'm getting into. I didn't need to know all the details but at least have a general idea of what they wanted me to do. Somehow word got out that I was a physician so the nurse that comes to my parents' parish wanted my assistance in a health fair. Something about kidney testing and screening. I wondered if they wanted me to do physicals or just explain test results. What if they want something more complicated from me? Would I be prepared? GASP!

Things turned out well. I had fun volunteering at the health fair and meet two other female physicians. One was from Spain and is doing research in pediatric nephrology at Children's Memorial Hospital. The other one was a cardiologist who goes to Bolivia twice a year with a team of medical personnel. She asked if it is something I would be interested in. Hmmm, very enticing proposition. Maybe I can use vacation time to go with her in the fall. At least, I can spread the word to other colleagues who enjoy volunteering in other countries.


guiam said...

i know you're gonna take full advantange of this travel opportunity! & I admire that you are in the neighborhood sharing your talent.

Aleksu said...

Go for it!

I bet is going to be a very rewarding experience.

Unknown said...

If you don't take the opportunity to go to Bolivia, I'll cry.

You wouldn't want that on your conscience, would you?

Mariposatomica said...

I concur with Guiam, Blex and aberrant templar if you get a chance to give back to others and travel run fast, run far;