Thursday, April 28, 2005

Public Enemy X on Sesame Street

Cookie is a sometime food.

I wanted to write about this when I first heard the story. So several weeks later, I bring you this.

I understand that obesity is becoming a major health problem in the US especially among children. However, sometimes we get a bit crazy and extreme.

The Target: Cookie Monster
Location: Sesame Street
The Crime: Feasting on insane amounts of cookies instead of something healthy like carrots.

A local DJ was ranting about the absurdity of making Cookie Monster sing or say "Cookie is a sometime food." He found it disgusting how Cookie Monster is being "censored" to promote good eating habits. He pointed out that people didn't care that Cookie Monster would be promoting another bad habit.....incorrect English.

A sometime food?

It's not right to eat cookies but it's okay to speak improper English.
Trading one evil for another....


suslush said...

Oh...But I love Cookie Moster...I think that the problem with obesity in children is not on the cookie moster but on those parents that do not care on what they put on the table...we should go back to home cooking instead of fast food x

Mariposatomica said...

I agree with suslush, it's not Cooki Monster, but the parents with their bags of Micky D's for dinner.

guiam said...

I love cookies!
This is a stupid solution, but like everything, Americans always approach problems ass backwards! Don't get me started on the whole nutrition thing: I live w/ a nutritionist que no me deja ni tragarme un chicharron agusto... but that's another story. Stay tuned: Revenge for the
Sandwich, Part II.

Aleksu said...

Free the Cookie Monster!

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

once u step away from fast food, u realize what crappy food it really is.

Guiam, tu nutritionist is driving u crazy...I never heard the complete backstory about the "sandwich" thing...u need to fill me in sometime.

maybe i should look for a picture of Cookie Monster to post....

Anonymous said...

No one's forcing the kids to watch TV in the first place. How about not subjecting the kids to TV, and then feeding them what you believe to be a healthy, balanced diet?

And if they're not watching TV, then maybe they are doing things more active, which leads to being less of a potato.

Anonymous said...

okay, i'm a bit late on this one. but i was horrified to hear that they want to take the cookie out of cookie monster. its just not right. parents do just need to make sure they are feeding their kids better and making sure they are getting more exercise than t.v.