Sunday, June 12, 2005

Another brown man is labeled

Soy Arranchera received a phone call to audition for a History Channel piece. The person told him, "hope u don't take this the wrong way, but has anyone ever told u that u look like Osama Bin Laden?"
Add a beard and a turban....

He was asked to audition for a role as a brown man that has that "terrorist look"....good lord, I had to snicker.


Mariposatomica said...

I wonder about the History Channel sometimes. I enjoy watching it but sometimes like when they call your brother with crap like that I wonder.

Aleksu said...

Well, then my younger brother and my nephew have a job as actors portraying Arabs any time they want.

Damn my pasty self!

Anonymous said...

hey, i know someone else that looks just like bin laden too. so did soy arrachera take the gig? whatever happened to mcd's commercial?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

he didn't go to the audition...was too jet lagged.

i'm still waiting for the McD's commercial to hit the airwaves..."jump around, jump around"