Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Battle stories of the office

Talk about brutal Mondays....Yikes!
Mondays are usually bad in any clinic since everybody with a problem over the weekend wants to be seen on Monday.

Events of Today:

Patient yelling in the waiting area and threatening to sue because the doctors wouldn't fill her narcotics. She didn't have an appt....just walked in and said give me my drugs. Her regular doc is on vacation. She always calling the answering service with a chief complaint of pain but won't make an appt or go to the ED. If the pain is severe enough she should make an appt to see one of the doctors if her doc is away. U have to see the doc to get drugs.
I'm not a narcotic pez dispenser ;)

Then there was my practically nonexistent lunch....but the nurses are kind to me and make sure to give me some minutes to eat or drink something so i dont pass out.

Then there was the patient who actually did pass out today.
It would be nice to think that my smile made him woozy but i think it was the vaccines and the blood work combo that did him in....he had a vasovagal reaction. So I had to attend to him and see that his blood pressure came up and that he lost the pale color on his face. Luckily he was okay....poor college kid....probably was more embrassed about the incident than scared/worried.

Day 2 tomorrow....can't wait ;)


Anonymous said...

I like to watch while my blood is drawn. I'm usually dissapointed when the vials are filled up and I'm told its over.

Aleksu said...

I think I experienced one of those vaso-whatevers one time.

That story about the lady demanding pain killers reminded me of one of my roommates from hell.

Unknown said...

You are far more patient than I am. Anyone coming into my hospital yelling like that would have had a thermometer up his/her butt.

...and it would have been cold.

Mariposatomica said...

Wow! What a Monday. Hope you are resting and actually taking a lunch.