Thursday, June 16, 2005

the curse?

Went to a White Sox game and they lost.....again
my sibling and i are wondering if there is a curse. We go and Sox lose. How will we break this "curse"?

My siblings and I had fun nevertheless, especially since Guiam and bone joined us. A certain Mariposa was MIA but we forgive you. I thought of you as I licked the sugar off my fingers from the funnel cake :)

Here's a scene from the outing (around the 8th inning or so)
Sibling #1: "She got hit! Hahahahaha (hysterical laughter)"
Sibling #2: "Calm down! Did you hear (pointing to Sib #1) "She got hit!"?
Sib #1: "Didn't it hit your knee?"
Me: "No. It fell between me and that other woman"
Sib#2: "She's down! Look at her stretched in front of her seat & bleeding" (pretending that I did get clobbered by the foreign object from the upper deck)
Sib #1: "Hahahaha"
Sib #2: "You (elbowing Sib #1) weren't even concerned about her well being".....Earlier Sib #2 had been taking some digital photos......"and I would bust out my camera and scream, Let me take a picture of that!...Hahahaha!"

Don't you just love that display of sibling affection.......

Later, on the way home, Sibling #1 had to explain that it it was too funny because THAT
is something that would happen to me!


Matt said...

Thank you for not going to last night's game. Good to see them score some runs again.

Aleksu said...

Everytime I go to Wrigley the Cubs win.

If you want to keep me from going to the corner of Clark and Addison, you will have to pay me the big bucks.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

hahaha...very funny, Zataod.....yes, i was happy to hear about the comeback.

Go White Sox! Podsednik is awesome!