Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde kinda day

I had my "House, MD" moments today....
I don't like being rough with the crowd...but sometimes, they are like a pack of wolves trying to get a piece of me.

Of course, i can't stay in a bad mood when i have a newborn to exam or a cute toddler smiling back at me.....they brighten up the day.

It was one of those "non-existent lunch" days again. Was so frustrated that i wanted to cry in the afternoon. As i'm leaving the office, i see that it is pouring outside. Thunder rumbles the air. The wonderful thing was the sun was out so i got to see a rainbow. Naturally, I was wearing a white top, had no umbrella, and got wet running to my car down the block. All these days of rain threats and TODAY it finally came true.


Aleksu said...

All wet on a white top, and then you wonder why the pack of wolves wants a piece of you.


suslush said...

Yesterday it started raining in London too after a week of melting hot days..... It felt so nice....
I did not have an umbrella but I was wearing black like always..lol
Hope you have a better day today @ work

Mariposatomica said...

Dr.V don't let these folks push you around. You are the Dr. Take YOUR lunch!! It's not healthy that you don't eat. Call me when you are having one of those days and we will go across the street from La Cecina for drinks;)

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Blex, i'm little red riding hood for the wolves ;)

thanks Suslush...wednesday was a better day :)

mariposa, I did get 15 minutes or so....the problem is that i feel guilty taking more than 20 minutes if i'm already behind schedule. Have to keep the machine going! My lunch should be 1 hour :(
I rarely get the full hour.