Monday, June 27, 2005


What a scorching day yesterday! Maybe it was a side effect of the heat, but i was forgetting everything. Almost forgot my car keys as i rushed out the door.....Dang, I need those to drive to my appointment. Forgot my cellphone....luckily realized this before i got too far from the house and managed to retrieve it. Since i had 2 strikes against me already, at the stoplight i looked down to check that my blouse was completely buttoned (well, except the top button). Or I'll would have arrived with everything exposed to the melting sun.

Fortunately, last night i looked over my schedules and saw that i'm on phone-call duty the next two days. Have to make sure the pager is at my side tonight.....will set up a nice comfty spot for it near my pillow. All I have to say to those around me the next two days, hope you don't mind my "bells and whistles". It is only temporary ;)


Daily Texican said...

People still have beepers?

Aleksu said...

Tskkk, Dr. V, the idea is NOT to be all buttoned up, and then blame it on the heat.

Unknown said...

Hey, Billy Corgan has an interview in the latest issue of the Onion.

enjoy v :-)

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Daily T, doctors still carry pagers...some hot shot specialists might have a cellphone instead.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

blex, u see I didn't think of that...i was trying to be a good girl ;)

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

thanks Aberrant T!