Sunday, June 26, 2005

Laughter can Trigger Asthma Attacks?!!

from lifescript

Laughter may no longer be the best medicine, at least where asthma sufferers are concerned. While medical science and folk wisdom have long touted the benefits of laughter for mood and overall health, a new study conducted at New York University Medical Center finds that laughter may be one of the most common triggers of an asthma attack. Of the asthmatic patients monitored in the survey, more than half reported that the symptoms of an asthma attack usually followed within two minutes of a prolonged episode of the giggles. Among the most sensitive asthma sufferers, even a few chuckles could often be enough to trigger an asthmatic episode. In the event of a serious asthma attack that cannot be relieved by inhalers or medication, family members and friends of asthmatics are advised to dial 911 immediately.

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