Thursday, June 30, 2005

"Must have been clitoral stimulation"

With titles like that wonder sex related searches end up at this blog ;)

That was my theory to what an older woman experienced while exercising. She was menopausal and explained she had lost any sexual desire years ago. Sex didn't interest her anymore. But one day when exercising, she had this tremendous urge/longing. She was too embarrassed to reveal the truth to her friend; she only mentioned having "cramps".

It is common for women to lose sexual desire or have a decreased libido when they hit menopause since the hormones affecting desire are low. However, the clitoris remains even after menopause.....with its nerve innervation intact....thus making it possible to still get pleasure from stimulation.


Aleksu said...

Jesús, María y José!

My innocence is lost.

Mariposatomica said...

I will keep this in mind for when i'm 90;)