Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Sex continues....

I really need to be more conscious of what I'm I'm positioned when examining male patients. Today, I was seeing a new patient....a 30 something y/o male. Feeling a bit lazy, I decided to let the man stay in the chair and I rolled my chair to him (it was the end of a long day). As I was examining some skin lesions, I realized I was practically between his legs. Yikes....Must retreat....Allow some distance! But they were skin has to get close to examine them especially if they are on areas like the face/neck/chest.


Aleksu said...

Well, at least they were not on the inner thight area.

Unknown said...

So far this week you've run out of the house without your shirt fully buttoned (nearly stopping traffic in the process, I would assume), worn a white top in a rain storm, posted about fertility drugs and had two posts (in one day!) about sex!

Feeling a little frisky, eh V.? ;-)

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...


well i'm definitely not menopausal...hehehe

Mariposatomica said...

You are such a great DR. Was it the hot priest patient? Give us details;)

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

it wasn't Mr. Dreamy future holiness....he should see me for a follow up appt this month :P