Sunday, July 03, 2005

Santana appetizer

"cheesecake! cheesecake!....make a hole....make a hole"
i'll explain that later.....

But Santana was magnificent......performing for 2 hours.....yep....2 hours of free music! Despite the insane crowd & some rude people, it was a beautiful musical experience against the gorgeous backdrop of Chicago's lakefront. Damn, I love this city.

Thanks to those who ventured out and joined me among the pot-infused sea of made me very happy.....
Clarification: It wasn't the effect of secondhand pot smoke either ;)


Matt said...

A perfect day for it as well. Why can't the whole summer be this pleasant?

suslush said...

I absolutetly adore Santana.... I listen to him very often on my way to work... He always lift my spirit and makes me have apositive mind ready for work..

Mariposatomica said...

I'm glad you all had fun! Sorry I felt lazy and didn't go.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said... must remember to use your wings and FLY away to dreamy landscapes every now and then

Aleksu said...

Santana rocks!

And I missed it. That was painful.

There will be a next time.

Anonymous said...

the weather was excellent. i can't imagine being in that crowd had it been hot. and the show was great--i'm glad we made the trek.

Ron Hudson said...

My first 3 vinyl albums, given at Christmas back around 1970-ish, were "Joe Cocker!", "The Carpenters" and "Santana: Abraxas"....oye como va mi ritmo!

I have loved them ever since!

Good to find the time to come back to visit.
