Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ssshhhh, can you keep it down?

Twice it has happened.
I've been on phone-call and well....
not in the ideal place to be returning calls from the answering service.
The first time I was at Billy Corgan's "TheFutureEmbrace" concert. I placed my pager on vibrate. There was NO way i would hear a "beep" among the thunderous sounds emitted from Mr. Corgan's guitar. But the blasted thing let me down and didn't vibrate. I had several pages waiting for me when i checked my beeper at the end of the concert.

However, this time...ahem....i forgot i was on phone-call....and i happened to be at a baseball game. Luckily I glanced at my cellphone near the top of the 7th inning and saw the answering service had left me some voicemail messages.
Damn! I almost got in trouble with the Jefe for the Corgan incident and now this.
Thank the Lord, it was only a pharmacy trying to reach me.

The 7th inning stretch creeped upon me as i attempted to contact the pharmacy.

"Excuse me, can u repeat that? i didn't understand," shouts dr.v as she covers her other ear.

"take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the crowd...."

"Cephalexin...Keflex," replies the pharmacist

"oh! Keflex"

"it says 2 tsp bid x 7 days, but which solution do u want? 250mg/5ml or 125mg/5ml?"

"I don't care if I ever get back, for it's root, root for the White Sox"

"how old is the patient?"

"If they don't win, it's a shame"

"about 3 yrs old"

"for it's One, Two, Three strikes, you're out, at the old ballgame"

wonder if the pharmacist heard all that background noise?


Mariposatomica said...

Wasn't the pharmacist and the message service that started the wave?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

so u heard about the Wave?

luckily i didn't have to do the "wave" and have this conversation at the same time...hehehe....that would have been a funny sight.

Aleksu said...

cuz is root, root, root
for my Cu..ccc...c...
