Friday, July 08, 2005

Why do we fall?

another work in progress - still hoping to add more.

film fanatics please help me - in the new Batman movie "Batman Begins" - what did Bruce Wayne's father say after this line - "why do we fall?"
I thought of that moment when i was rewriting this piece.

<----sign courtesy of this site


if this becomes a song, i'm thinking this will be the chorus:

and i stum ble
stum ble and fall
baby i crum ble,
crum ble my love

(the weird spacing is me trying to envision the beats of the words)


Anonymous said...

bring to the next meeting, i'd like to hear you read it out loud.

Anonymous said...

"why do we fall?" "So we can get up again"

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

thanks hector!

Aleksu said...

I like the "under construction" sign.