Friday, July 08, 2005

Go Speed Go!

Scott Podsednik made it to the All-Star game......thanks to the loyal fans who voted. Podman received close to 4 million votes!

Hip, Hip, Hooray! Go Sox!

Finally, the White Sox are getting some national attention (well deserved attention).


under the red sky said...

I think Derek Jeter should have made it instead of Scott PodCHUMPnik. I guess I am just bitter because Jeremy Bonderman didn't make the all-star game. Maybe next year. Can't wait till the Sox and the Tigs meet up again. Go Tigers!

P.S. Do you find that Chicago announcer guy annoying? "You can put it on the board...YES!!"

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Hey,be nice! Displaced Detroit fan? I saw u are currently in Cali based on ur blog.

I actually like Hawk...

under the red sky said...

Yep. I grew up in MI but now live in Cali. Is that his name.. Hawk? Ya' know I would like the guy if he was my team's announcer.. :)

under the red sky said...

Yep. I grew up in MI but now live in Cali. Is that his name.. Hawk? Ya' know I would like the guy if he was my team's announcer.. :)