Saturday, August 06, 2005


Thanks to a thoughtful medical assistant, I had an endless flow of coffee yesterday. She bought one of those "Box of Joe" DD things for the office staff. The bagels and coffee fountain were placed in my office for all to feast. At home, I had already drank my morning cup of cafe but couldn't resist another. The coffee aroma in my office was heavenly. So I found myself refilling.....and refilling. In the afternoon session, i did feel somewhat jittery but it didn't stop my caffeine consumption.

Naturally, after work, I couldn't turn down someone's offer for a .................cup of coffee!
Sure, I'll have another!


Mariposatomica said...

Now I know where to scour for coffee...don't be surprised if you find me in your office.

Icylyrics said...

I might need to visit your office too, but not for coffee. My head is exploding and I can't make it stop.

I've always been amazed at people who are in love with both caffeine and nicotene.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Icylyrics, luckily i don't have a nicotine addiction. Headaches...could it possibly be a migraine?

take a look here:

Aleksu said...

Coffee is heaven in an aromatic steamy cup.