Saturday, September 10, 2005


I was two....Gustavo and why not do this exercise?

7 things I plan to do before I die:
1) Travel more......(hit the Old World)
2) Conquer the world (in my own way...and i'm not revealing my'll just have to wait)
3) Visit the town where my dad grew up (it's in the New World)
4) Reform healthcare provided to the underserved and uninsured (to dream the impossible dream)
5) Be published....somewhere...someday
6) learn to play the guitar
7) make an impact in someone's life

7 things I can do:
1) be witty
2) watch ESPN and be excited
3) CPR
4)greet someone with my eyebrows
5) remember things like birthdays and anniversaries easily (so u better remember mine)
6) sleep anywhere (and for HOURS)
7) routine car maintenance things like checking oil, antifreeze, power steering fluids
(not afraid to get dirty)

7 things I cannot do:
1) whistle songs
2) eat sardines
3) say cinnamon
4) go to Wrigley Field (i've avoided it so far)
5) be quiet when it's most desired (i always drop something)
6) take a shower without listening to the radio (it's either music or NPR)
7) give up coffee (soda i can....but not my caffeinated coffee)

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex/another person:
1) Honesty
2) Intelligence (I'm not talking Einstein's IQ)
3) Loyalty
4) can make me laugh/ can be silly with me
5) compassionate
6) has a love for the arts or is creative
7) has a love for nature

7 things that I say most often:
1) really
2) damnit
3) coffee....i want coffee
4) Go White Sox
5) anyone know the white sox score? or what's the score?
6) damn umpires
7) WTF

7 celebrity crushes:
1) jon stewart
2) billy corgan
3) michael vartan
4) christian bale
5) matthew fox (tv show LOST)
6) david bowie....oh yeah! at any age
7) dead ones count?.....jeff buckley

7 people I want to do this:
Anyone who reads this and wants to do it....i won't force anyone.....(chicas?)


under the red sky said...

You do the eyebrow thing too?? Do you use one or two? I use that and the head nod. I've noticed that other people will respond with the same method that you used to greet them. Hmmm weird que no?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i usually use one eyebrow.