Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Make yourself useful

Because of a recent Mariposa incident, i can't wait to try this. Gee....minorities can't even shop in peace. These type of incidents irritate my her own encounter, she wanted to say to the store pit bull,"I'm a physician. I can afford this, but maybe i should take my money elsewhere!"

I haven't been "trailed" at a store recently but i'm ready to strike back when i am.
As I mentioned to M, i'm going to confront him/her, and ask if they are my personal shopper or security. Before he/she can say a word, i'm going to hand my basket or shopping cart to them, and say, "Make yourself useful then!"

If anyone wants to use this tactic, go ahead, and please report back to me.


under the red sky said...

How do you know they weren't trying to ask you out or something...can't the local grocery store dude get some love too?

I have something for you!

Anonymous said...

that sucks. i know one of the methods to deter shoplifters is for associates to actually interact in friendly conversation and make eye contact with customers displaying any "suspicious activity" instead of following them around. suspicious activity can include circling the same section of the store over and over--which i tend to do 'cause i'm always so undecided about what to buy. i can't recall being followed but i have been approached by many super duper friendly store workers.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

that would be embarrassing...he would think i was a totally bitch...i would have to take my basket and cart and crawl away in shame.

i see i have an might take some time.

hehehe....i tend to engage in "suspicious activity" like circling around same sections....around specific clothing racks. I can't decide sometimes what to get. And I have to touch clothes. I won't buy clothing if i don't feel the fabric first. If the fabric is too unpleasant, i won't buy it.

What i do hate is when I'm asked if I work there?! No! Do u see me in a uniform?! Do u see the store colors on me...a nametag?!