Friday, September 23, 2005


i have a question......

i'm considering not writing anymore......i don't necessarily mean this blog.
i'm thinking of putting a halt to the creative writing...
Perhaps i'll continue to write when i'm inspired....which is still quite times TOO often.
Sometimes TIME is a major to balance it all and create& nurture the artist within.
(i do think there's an artist in here)
But i may not share it with anyone.....go back to writing for myself.

So i want to take a get a feel for what others are thinking:
Yes....i should stop/ devote less time for writing/ and not share
No....i shouldn't do any of the above

PS No matter what the outcome of this survey may not influence my decision.
The final decision is up to me.......what i feel is best at this time.


Santiago said... should continue. it is the only road to sanity. when we keep inspiration locked up, it tends to get agitated and eventually makes us sad. writing is reflection and insight into ourselves. things that are not apparent come to light thru our words. ur heart will guide you, dra. vodka.

Unknown said...

Well, everyone else is going to tell you to keep writing, because you're good at it and you seem to enjoy it. So I'll tell you to take a break for a bit. Maybe just a month or so. Give the batteries a chance to "recharge".

under the red sky said...

Hmmm...I say stop until you know for sure if the Sox are in the playoffs. I think the tight race is affecting's ok to take a break BUT YOU MUST CONTINUE TO SHARE AGAIN eventually que no?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

the Sox thing might be affecting me...think u are on to something there, gustavo

Mariposatomica said...

I will kick your ass if you stop writing and have Analisa will cut you off from the sangria.

Matt said...

Write. With the strict intention of writing only for yourself.

Wait a day or two, and then share it with us.

Writing is an excellent form of therapy. For you and for us.

Anonymous said...

keep writing. whether you share is up to you. but please keep on writing.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

oh no! i'm in danger of being cut off from Analisa's! no! no!
Please not that!

Soon i'll be walking around town with a sign that reads "will write for sangria"

The Saturnyne said...

Don't stop.
