Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Sex Class is in Session

Okay everyone....settle down....class has begun.

Lesson two by moi

Tonight's topic may be of more interest to the women in the classroom but men LISTEN up.
Don't fall asleep......yes you... in the last might learn a thing or two from me.
I'm NOT afraid to throw the blackboard eraser at you to get your attention.
(We are in the age of power point presentations, but i still like the blackboard & chalk routine)

A couple of articles to read......the first one on do women view themselves?
The scoring feature on the GIS survey doesn't seem to be working.
So women can try
this survey instead.

and this article on getting to know yourself (Ms. Pink meet your pinks).

One of those articles does have an illustration.

Any questions?

Lesson one here


Unknown said...

"Research has found that women who perceive themselves to be less physically attractive, are less likely to have received oral sex (Wiederman & Hurst, 1998)"

No oral sex? Aaw :-(

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Aberrant T, i see ur picking up on some important points.....Good Job!

Unknown said...

Thank you, but I may need after-school-instruction. ;-)

Anonymous said...

dude, i feel dumb, i learned a couple of things from that diagram. and i guess i should stop calling mi vulva the pocketbook eh?

but on a more serious note, are there studies on (or will you be touching on) the subject of latinas and sexuality? if anything can set us up for a negative genital image its our culture. you see, if my mom wants to get explicit she says burro but otherwise its 'alla abajo'. she thinks tampons are just wrong, she's convinced they cause cancer. and as liberal as she can often be, she never-ever had the birds and bees talk with me. and if we can't get past that pettiness how can we move forward to becoming better informed through self-exploration and 'research'. *cracked chancla resists urge to persinarse*

btw, sorry, my comment is so long.