Thursday, September 08, 2005

Shopping list

The fall is barely arriving but i'm thinking about winter. While doing my Fall Cleaning (didn't do much Spring Cleaning), i realize i need new boots. My brown ones aren't in the best condition. This is Chicago.......where huge snowstorms can hit. Another item on my list of things i need is
new black shoes. The pair i rescued from under the bed last night....went to the trash.
One of the pair was damaged it had to go along with its partner.
Can't find use for only one shoe....not matter what good condition it was in.

There is something else i want.....a peacoat. I saw an adorable children's peacoat with huge buttons. Now i need to find one for myself....the perfect one would be a red peacoat.

Some other items i should add to this growing list:
a) 1-2 pleated skirts (should really wear more skirts)

b) thigh high black stockings

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