Thursday, October 27, 2005

Another Victory

we break from the Sox celebration to bring you this:

Harriet Miers withdraws her nomination to the Supreme Court...Victory for Democracy!!!

See my friends.....NEVER lose hope.


The Saturnyne said...

Yes, but who will that dratted chimp try and foist on your country in replacement?

It could be someone far far worse. Which is also scary. I keep my fingers crossed. toes, too!


dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i hope the replacement isn't worse....she WAS SUCH A BAD CHOICE!

i'm glad there were people to pressure her to withdraw

Matt said...

It shows you the lack of respect Bush has for the Supreme Court to appoint someone with such poor qualifications.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Dubbya has no clue about anything!

Mariposatomica said...

"Never lose hope," thanks Dr.V needed that one. SO GLAD THE SOX WON! Hopefully, they won't put that freak of Gonzalez on the bench.

Unknown said...

Bush might as well have been appointing a horse to the Senate.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

happy to help :)
Gonzalez...hmmm...Dubbya might try to do that

Aberrant T,
Dubbya continues to do the ....unthinkable.

Gracias....good to see u around here.

Anonymous said...

dratted chimp? i love it!