Monday, October 31, 2005


usually consumed on the run
normally something small
sometimes forgotten
a big production on the weekends
with pancakes or an omelette

When she can,
she takes the time
to sit and sip
her cup of coffee
and reflect
on the past
on the present
on the future.....

stirring the thoughts
in her head
while stirring the sugar
in her morning brew
each dissolving
with her spinning spoon.....


Mariposatomica said...

the Universe stirs it's galactic spoon and disolves so many things...

Anonymous said...

your non stop production of poems is always so impressive. how do you do it?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

the Universe is welcomed to stir me

hmm...interesting question. Guess it is more of allowing myself time to think...and to actually WRITE down what i'm thinking. Once i begin with a few words...phrases...then the idea emerges..."Try this!"...."Create this pattern/image".
To which i respond..."Huh?"..."Oh, that...I see now"....and continue writing :)

going to these writer presentations is helping me come to terms with me and my writings.