Thursday, October 20, 2005

the sky is falling

I did something very undrvodka on Wednesday.

I wore pink....GASP!

Pink is a very typical colour to see on a woman or a girl......but not this woman. I've rebelled against pink......most of my life. I own very few pink articles of clothing.....can count them with one hand.

BUT this piece of clothing wasn't pink.....initially. It was first a lilac coloured blouse which caught some drops of a bleaching agent. So i decided to bleach the entire blouse and see what colour would emerge. To my surprise, I got a bright pink blouse. Today i thought what the heck....i'll wear it.

i have to admit...........i thought i looked cute in that shade of pink.......complemented by skin tone quite nicely.


Anonymous said...

*sniffle* there is nothing wrong with wearing pink. *sniffle*

sonrisa morena said...

i'm not really a pink woman either but have discovered that pink actually makes me look nicer. something about light colors, like baby blue, mint green..yeah i would never ever wear these colors but pink, hmm? pink is different.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i know pink ISN'T evil....just appeared that way to me when i was a little girl trying to stake my claim in a boy's world ;)
I needed to make a statement and show them i wasn't a typical girl

i do like baby blue too....don't mind wearing a dressy blouse in that colour. In fact i love it when men wear buttonup shirts in that colour. Mom always wears light colours and she looks cute in them. She once told me she would NEVER wear all reminds her of funerals....she NEEDS a splash of colour (bright colours) somewhere on her clothing.