Monday, November 07, 2005

Gas Stations

When you see a gas station, there are certain things you assume.

1) you can buy gasoline.....(although sometimes you might be shocked at the cost per gallon)
2) you can buy some snackage
(soft drinks, coffee, candy, chips, beef jerky, and other odd & cheap food items)
the fancy gas stations might have a Dunkin Donuts or a Subway within it
3) you can buy lottery tickets
4) you can use a restroom

Although gas stations serve the "locals", they also serve the travelers.....those on road trips, such as truckers. I would have never thought you wouldn't be allowed to pee at a gas station.
But i encountered a gas station with a "no public restroom" sign. Bastards!! Isn't it an American right to be able to pee at the gas station restroom? I couldn't believe it. But maybe this happened because it was a gas station near the suburbs. Or maybe because it was next to another gas station that closes its doors to their store after a certain time (where any transactions after that time are solely handled via "the window").

It's much easier for a man to sneak behind a bush to take care of his business.
Bastards!! I should have peed ON their gas station.


sonrisa morena said...

no public restrooms in a gas station!!!!!!!!!!! what the !$@#$ is that about?!?!?!? there shouldn't be any excuse for that!!! i'm sure Bush is behind this!!!

DeCoMpOsEd said...

here in phoenix...we have a majority of gas stations called circle k and none of those bastards have public restrooms either..ive pissed on there property a couple of time though.

Unknown said...

The bastards!

That's why I always pack diapers on long car trips.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

normally i don't HAVE to be searching for a public restroom....but when i drink TOO much water during the day OR have any liquor...i going to need that public restroom.

Mariposatomica said...

Next time handle your business at the window. Give the a surprise;)