Monday, November 07, 2005

Strange Requests

I'm often ask to do some unusual things...
Recently i received the following request...
Can I dress up like a giant syringe and tackle someone?
It's for a performance piece.
I think the person was kidding.....or maybe it was a serious request?

Granted....that would be hilarious to see.


Matt said...

I've never seen anyone dressed up as a syringe. Post a picture if you do so.

Unknown said...

Yes. This requires a picure. Or a drawing.

Santiago said...

thanks...i had to laugh at that mental image.

Mariposatomica said...

OMG! LOL on the floor. Of course I was serious. Can you imagine me doing the performance and all of a sudden you bolt on stage and tackle me in the syringe suite? Does this mean yes?