Sunday, November 06, 2005

pineapple hair

her pineapple hair dances
with her every step
with her laughter

but i didn't see her pineapple hair
this thursday
she let her hair down
sleek and sexy
as she held her little green book
begging the professor for a post-it

i don't know if her pineapple hair
made an appearance on Saturday
was too busy
listening to scary tales,
hiding from my erotic contemplations
behind my conservative exterior,
jibarito de bistec....el segundo de mi vida....que rico.
sipping on cappucino con mi vanilla flan,
wondering if i should purchase
the Batman Training Manual
at that cute little store
with the rooster sign,
indulging on tales of Latina women,
later laughing, drinking sangria
eating seafood,
staring at whole fishes (con la cabeza...i'm not kidding)
on wooden trays as they left the kitchen
and were served to other patrons,
think i'll stick to something safe
like tostada de pulpo,
and meeting new people
como Lorena
(to think we use to work
at the same place)

but i'll see mi amiga
con su pineapple hair
otro dia :)


Mariposatomica said...

Dr.V you make poetry out of madness! I LOVE IT. You are mentioned in the performance piece.

Lorena said...

honored to be included here, yay!! it was great meeting you (again) and thanks for the ride! :)

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Argh! i AM mentioned in the performance piece...i just read it.
The pineapple hair woman looked so cute holding out her hand to receive the prized neon green Post-It.

i was great meeting you...hope we get to see more of each other. If ur looking for a buddy for those arty/cultural events, get in me.