Thursday, September 16, 2004

No te creo

Dubbya was celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. Like he really cares about the Latinos. It is only a ploy to convince us that a vote for Bush is good for Latinos. Well, this Mexican-American is NOT falling for it.


Anonymous said...

What really annoys me about the Bush administration both dad and son have used the 'little brown one', George P. Bush (Jeb's son) to try and court the Latino vote.

Aleksu said...

Oh yeah, and his bill to allow banks to open accounts for immigrants with the Consular ID received the green light yesterday also.

Dont be surprised if the word amnesty is mentioned a couple of times if Kerry starts gaining ground.

Diana said...

The other day I past by the Mexican consulate and there was this huge buy a home now trailer. I won't mention the bank that was out there trying to get these folks to take out loans for homes.

AnalisaGuzman said...

I will post a blog with his remarks about hispanic heritage month...hehehehhe