Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I just want to be heard

I heard it several times. Different words but the same message. In med school, during residency, and post residency. Patients just want to be heard. "The other doctor doesn't LISTEN to me." "He/She doesn't seem to care." Some of the patients that gave nurses/physicians the most "trouble" during their hospital admissions were seeking someone to hear their story. Two men stand out in my mind as examples of how far listening can go. One was a very angry man when we first truly chatted. He was upset with the care he was receiving while in the hospital. After our conversation, he later thanked me for taking the time to explain certain things and listening.

take the time
to listen to me...
hear my worry
hear my anger
hear my doubt
hear my joy
hear my sorrow
hear my fear
hear my love
hear my pain
hear my confession
hear my cry

you don't have to weep with me
show me you care
show me you connect with me
show me i'm not alone
show me there's hope

help me understand,
help me make amends,
comfort me in my bleakest hour,
celebrate with me in my happiest hour,
show me we are more alike
show me that you are me
& I am you....

*dedicated to Mr. M and Mr. A - may they rest in peace. You made my "crazy" residency years memorable.


Diana said...

You really have such a gift for words. Would love to see your poems published. Poets and Writers Magazine usually seeks poetry entries.

Aleksu said...

I agree with Diana, you have a way with words.

And with photos,
and the piano,
and your healing knowledge,
and your dance,
and your baseball passion...