Saturday, June 25, 2005

sexy priests again....

My Monday fainting patient is actually a student enrolling in a seminary school this fall. Please forgive me...but i have to admit i was flirting with him.....especially when he returned Wed for his lab results. But the way i see it, he isn't obligated to become a priest. Most young men who enroll there don't take the final holy plunge. I know someone who graduated from that seminary school who is now an Illinois state trooper - married and probably with some kids by now. Also, in my defense.....i think he was flirting back.


suslush said...

I think healthy flirting is ok...I think it puts a smile on people faces.... :)

Mariposatomica said...

You seductress you!! I love it! You must tell us in detail over a bottle of zifendel

Unknown said...

Of course he was flirting back! Who wouldn't?

Anonymous said...

i bet he flirted back.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

okay how bad is it that i ran my fingers thru his hair (the day he fainted)....i was JUST trying to see if he felt cold and clammy...he was rather pale-looking at that point......really :)

Aleksu said...

This reminded me of that poem called "El Seminarista de los Ojos Negros".

Dr. V, you are testing that young man's faith.


dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

maybe i should test him even further :P