Sunday, June 12, 2005

Shaking away insecurities

I hate when this happens because it makes me want to run and hide. Crawl under a rock.....disappear from the for some months and then emerge from my hole.

I can be feeling great, extra confident, unstoppable, and, dare I say, desirable.....then something happens......and I'm back to "-2" on the scale of 0-10.

Someone wants to meet me.....argh! When I'm feeling this way, all I can think is why'll only be disappointed. Yeah, I probably shouldn't be thinking this way....but I am. Then I think - why does it have to be that I might not live up to the hype.....maybe I will be disappointed. It is a nice change of pace when I am the one who is disappointed. We'll see how I'm feeling when Thursday rolls by.


Mariposatomica said...

Dr.Vodka, be fearless and your wonderful self.

Matt said...

If the self you bring to this Thursday meeting is only 1/10 of the person that you reveal in your writing on this blog, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Unknown said...

Psh, please. You'll knock 'em dead with one smile.

Aleksu said...

They are the ones missing out.

Daily Texican said...

Ay, Madre Santa, I'm lost.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

thank u all for ur comments!

Anonymous said...

stop it. stop being so hard on yourself. you are one exceptional peluca firme.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

peluca firme...what is that?
don't think i've heard that one before...

but seriously, thank u all...yes, i'm being too hard on myself

Unknown said...

*flirts shamelessly*

AnalisaGuzman said...

I am lost too? WHo is this?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

someone completely new..."out of the blue"....hehehehe