Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ascending 1000 ft

Ever since 9/11, air travel is......nervewracking. From ludicrous lines at the check-in counter/security checkpoints to the constant reminders of "potential air disasters". The flight attendant's little speech prior to takeoff is a constant reminder - "this can be your last flight, dr.V." Yes, I'm morbid that way. On the return flight from the West Coast, I sat in the emergency row. Why not? I figured that I should be useful if something were to happen. Fairly simple procedures to follow and I wouldn't be alone. The man next to me would also be "in charge" of opening the emergency door . Pull the latch and the door opens automatically. Off we go and slide down the wing of the airplane. Don't forget your seat cushion - it is also a floating device!

I was so glad when we landed on the runaway. It's always a happy sound to hear the flight attendant say "Welcome to Chicago. And if Chicago is your home.......Welcome home".

Now to more "serious" posts.......I had 4 hours to read, think, listen to music, and deal with my nagging cold virus.

I'm worried I might have an otitis media......dear god, I hope I don't have a ruptured tympanic membrane. Right now, I can't hear that well out of my right ear. I'm going to show up to work looking like I need a vacation.....after having a couple of days off! Not fair.


Anonymous said...

uh oh, is that doctor talk for ear infection? ack. sorry.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

yes...otitis media = nasty ear infection

but i do feel better - maybe just an effusion (fluid) in my ear. That flight was killer on my poor ear.

AnalisaGuzman said...

i am totally paranoid about flying now. And then wth that toronto scare, uff!

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i normally don't get anxious about flying but this trip i was. I found it strange that those feelings crept up. I was MORE shocked when I heard about the toronto flight since i was flying that day. Maybe it was a premonition. Some of my family members are a bit psychic.

i probably don't tune-in like they do - if i try, maybe, just maybe i might awaken the psychic in me?

Aleksu said...

Hmm, I see I was not the only Illinois blogger that went west recently.