Friday, September 23, 2005

Good Television

Is there such a thing as good television? Is it an oxymoron?

Good television does example....most PBS programming. Those in the Chicago area would most likely agree that Channel 11 WTTW is awesome. I saw a delightful, moving documentary on Frida Kahlo the other night. She is an inspiration to me....the artist in me and the physician in me.

Sometimes, the major networks get it right and deliver the general public an amazing show. For me, to be an excellent TV show, it has to meet certain criteria. I'm fully aware that my criteria will not be the same as someone else's. I can accept that. I don't spend a lot of time watching TV (especially after all of the HORRENDOUS reality TV) so the things I watch have to be worthwhile. I want to walk away feeling positive, having learned something, experiencing something beautiful, and having been inspired. The majority of TV programming doesn't do that. There are several noteworthy comedies which I admit we need since we all could use some laughter in our lives. "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" is a comedic show but sometimes it's the ONLY place which gives any REAL news. However, at times, I want a show/program that means more.....does more.....makes me think.....CHANGES the way I think (I'm really asking for too much, aren't I?).

What show/program can do that?

In the past year, a documentary on the Holocaust & a separate film on a woman's Holocaust experience (on PBS) had a profound effect on me. The dialogue prompted in my head for the next few days after watching those programs inspired me to write. I still carry certain images from those programs in my mind.....I do not want to forget what I learned and what I saw. The first Holocaust program made it possible to finish a piece which I began about 4 years ago. The inception of the piece was planted by the Broadway production of "The Diary of Anne Frank" but I was missing something. I couldn't find the words to finish the piece, so I abandoned it temporarily...for 4 years!
I only had the sound....the my head.

That is good television.

Another show which captivated me last season was "LOST" on ABC. The season premiere was this Wednesday. From my previous post, you can see it is affecting me.....making me think...reinforcing my beliefs....inspiring me.......and i love it.

That is good television.


Unknown said...

Ok, I was going to post a comment on this, but it was getting toooo long so I just decided to dedicate a blog post to it.

Thank you for the inspiration. ;-)

Anonymous said...

i caught that frida documentary. it was very inspiring.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Frida Kahlo was an AMAZING woman.