Friday, November 04, 2005

University Woman

He was right....
he, my fellow night owl, as i will call him.
I love "school"....

When he told me that i loved school.....that i belonged there....that he couldn't picture me NOT in school.....he might have called me a geek too, not sure....i was a tad offended. But I didn't kill him...he was a relative.

Why? Because WHO likes school?! The dorks do.
But i wasn't a dork. Being called a geek or nerd wasn't fun either.
Intelligence was frown upon by most of my peers one ever got excited about school. Not that i was in love with the buildings...particularly my elementary school or my high school. But i must say my high school was nice. Not that I loved doing homework either. Not that i necessarily loved all my teachers.....some of them were weird.....some were funny.....some were inspiring......others were terrifying. Although i was sometimes shy, i enjoyed the socializing aspect of school. Great chance to meet people like you....different from you. But i have always loved learning....learning about history......learning about discoveries......learning about my world.

Yesterday when i attended the presentation by author, Esmeralda Santiago, I was longing for my university years. As Chanclita and I speedwalked across the University grounds, I admired the architecture. It had a New England feel to the Yale and University of Pennsylvania.
Racing in the darkness to the chapel on a pleasantly breezy autumn night, I realized how much i missed the universtiy. The University Years of my extended education were probably the best because I was given more control of my education. I had "freedom" to choose what I wanted to study. Granted there were certain requirements to fulfill because of my major....the honors program....for medical school. But i still had a one was calculating my every move. As a result, i took various art courses and studied Buddhism. Raised as a Catholic, i had enough of "my religion"....I wanted to learn about someone else's religion. Nice that the Jesuits let me. My University Years were truly wonderful intellectually and artistically.

As i stood on that campus's grounds that lovely autumn evening, I said to myself......"I belong in the University"


Matt said...

The last 2 days I've taken a lunchtime walk around the university campus that is near to my place of employment. It's interesting to think back to the days when everything seemed possible, and the world presented a wealth of potential avenues of knowledge.

It's easy to lose that youthful idealism in the adult world of just trying to keep up with day to day life.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i miss the "youthful idealism" that seemed rampant in those years. Although there were several on campus who just wanted to party...drink and get laid.

it saddens me when a workplace loses this idealism especially in medicine. Most of us, i think, were very idealistic in med school...somewhere in our training/careers....some of us lost it...will lose it.

Matt said...

I get parts of it back at times, but not quite like what I had during the university years.

Anonymous said...

its a lovely campus. but i sense that you are holding something back. are you thinking or returning to school for something?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i have been thinking of extra training...perhaps a fellowship in something less "typical" but important to human health or in something which will give me more empowerment in health policy.

but i also want to learn new things....explore some different media. just for fun ;)